How can brands put the customer first as they adapt to integrated media?
Customers are key for every business. If you’re not putting the customer first then you may find that they end up leaving you behind. Since 2020 the pandemic has provided a hefty incentive to bring digital to new heights and we can no longer rely on the strategies that served us in a pre-Covid world.
The average consumer is exposed to up to 10,000 ads in an average day. The challenge for the advertisers of today is cutting through the chatter and focusing on a customer-centric approach to media. Utilising both online and offline media to provide a consistent experience is a challenge, especially when we can’t easily identify the same audiences across both.
This report explores how to effectively enable offline to online integration from planning through to activation, all while keeping the customer first.
To find out more about bringing an integrated digital approach to your future success in 2022, download the full report.
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