The new health check that could save a brand’s life

Hear what it is, what it does, and how it can help you to profitable growth


However strong, dynamic and healthy a brand looks today, just one decision could diminish its vitality. 

It could be a decision you make - or one that’s forced upon you by outside circumstances. (Had any of those over the past two years?) 

So how to have confidence in your decision-making and in your ability to plan for profitable growth, no matter what comes along? The answer could be a new brand health check that promises to examine and measure the strength of a brand’s consumer connection and precisely what drives its health and performance. 

Join experts from GfK as they reveal the potency of “Brand Architect” - how it’s different to what’s gone before, why it’s more valuable and how it can give a brand its best opportunity to thrive. 

 Among other things, they’ll talk through the opportunities in and ramifications of: 

  • When you misunderstand what consumers think of you 
  • When premiumisation can work 
  • Why focussing on volume can be a mistake 
  • How to define which levers a brand should pull 
  • How to determine what are real priorities

…and they’ll show how Brand Architect gives richer insights every time. 

Plus, they’ll share examples of brands, such as Gordons gin, Malfi gin, Sony, and LG in the Italian TV market which have all gone through the process and come out with a fresh new blueprint for healthy growth.

Consumer Confidence is at an all-time low. Sign up to hear about what your brand needs to be thinking about to navigate the turmoil. 

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