TV is already known for having the highest attention rates and generating the most profit for advertisers – but how connected are viewers on an emotional level? What impact does how engrossed we are in what we watch have, and how can advertisers harness it?

Sky Media, together with Differentology, will be unveiling exciting new research that identifies a range of absorption states and moments that take attention metrics to the next level.

 The innovative study introduces a new proprietary ‘ADsorption Index’ – a unique metric that goes beyond attention with key components like emotional involvement with the content, if it’s watched all the way through and memorability.

Insights from this research will help advertisers create stronger connections between audiences and their messages, delivering greater brand impact and more effective use of budgets. 

The shift in focus from attention to absorption signifies a new era for video content measurement. So whether it’s edge-of-your-seat sport, or on-demand drama – where and when you say it counts when creating connections that matter.

Join Campaign, Sky and Differentology for a deep dive into ‘The Age of ADsorption’ and discover how agencies and brands can embrace this innovative new metric.

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