Building Brands: Lego’s Kate Crowley on Orlando Bloom’s wall of lego, prioritising privacy and the perfect brand-customer value exchange

Building Brands: Lego’s Kate Crowley on Orlando Bloom’s wall of lego, prioritising privacy and the perfect brand-customer value exchange

Don’t miss the latest brilliant episode of our Building Brands series, featuring Lego senior marketer Kate Crowley, in partnership with The Trade Desk

BrandsCreativity and storytellingInterviewsStrategy 

Want to learn what the marketing strategy is behind one of the world’s most loved brands? And how a brand truly puts its consumers first? Then, look no further... grab your headphones and plug into this candid, fun and insightful chat with Lego’s Western European senior eCommerce marketing director Kate Crowley.

Interview by Georganna Simpson, head of content at Campaign Content Labs, and Philippa Snare, senior VP for EMEA at The Trade Desk.

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